Our leadership survey engagements are based on a set of core competencies that exist within our transformational impact model, and focus on the systems level of the individual (big ‘I’) and team (small ‘we’).

Our leadership survey engagements use actual 360° feedback and are designed to help leaders - individuals and teams - answer some of the most powerful questions about their intended and actual impact.
- “What kind of impact am I having on the people in my life?”
- “What are the key things I am doing well and should keep doing?”
- “What are the most important things I should focus on to make myself, my team, and my organization more successful?”
A human-centred + systems-conscious approach
While the concept of 360° feedback might sound human-centred and systems-conscious in nature, in our experience most of the surveys 'out there' should be called 180°s, collecting feedback from people we report to, and people who report to us. Not to mention, the selection process for 'feedback givers' is usually questionable.
Our leadership survey engagements aim for a truly 360° feedback and review process by exploring a more holistic system of work-life relationships (e.g., clients, friends, family, community, and more).
The leadership competencies explored and leveraged in our individual and team 360°s are based on our Transformational impact model, focusing feedback and growth on the human, relational, and systemic, aspects of work-life.
Our questions are carefully designed to help individuals and teams to understand the key things they are doing well and should keep doing, as well as the most important things they should be focusing on, moving forward (which can sometimes include repairing specific relationships).
A well-designed survey allows ‘feedback givers’ to focus on feedback that is specific, reinforcing, and corrective on the areas that matter most. For those receiving feedback, they can quickly identify the areas they should focus on without the distraction of scores or being swamped by negative feedback pointing out everything they are doing badly.
As a tool primarily for development, ‘scoring’ or ‘rating’ can be counterproductive for an individual’s or team’s motivation to improve and grow. We are also trying to replicate - as close as possible - a real life feedback conversation between people.
In addition to the activities and deliverables listed in the ‘More than surveys’ section above, each of our leadership survey engagements include the synthesis of feedback broken down into three to five key themes (e.g., type of problem, observations and evidence, impact and effort, tools and resources), and recommendations for how individuals and teams might choose to respond.
The value in capturing feedback on how we think, behave, and show up in different relationships, is a deeper more realistic understanding of what might be most meaningful in terms of learning and growth.